iMig 2023

The 16th international Mesothelioma interest group (iMig) conference happened last month (Jun26-28) in Lille, France.

It was a energetic and exciting conference and PREDICT-Meso was very busy- see below for more detail:

PREDICT-Meso lead, Prof Kevin Blyth co-led the Mesothelioma pre-clinical models and results workshop

PREDICT-Meso students had abstracts accepted for presentation as part of Workshop 3: Imaging (AI, diagnosis, staging…) in the main auditorium)

  • Clinical Lecturer in Respiratory Medicine (NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde/ Univeristy of Glasgow) Dr Geeshath Jayasekera (@Geeshath) presented ‘Anatomical and symptom changes in malignant pleural effusion using 4-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging
  • Our Visiting Summer student from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, Taylla Theodoro (@TayllaTheodoro) presented ‘Development of an automated machine learning tool for reporting of MRI-Early Contrast Enhancement in Mesothelioma‘ with support from Prof Kevin Blyth who introduced the presentation

PREDICT-Meso members had 6 abstracts accepted for posters presentation

  • Extent and sources of discordant therapeutic response classification in malignant pleural mesothelioma by expert readers: A multicentre retrospective cohort study. Dr Gordon Cowell (@GWCowell), Consultant Radiologist (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde) and Meso-ORIGINS radiology lead
  • An update regarding the Meso-ORIGINS study (Mesothelioma Observational study of Risk prediction and Generation of paired benign-meso tissue samples, including a nested MRI Sub-Study): part of the PREDICT-Meso Accelerator. Dr Mark Neilly (@MarkNeilly3), PREDICT-Meso Clinical Research Fellow & Meso-ORIGINS clinical study co-ordinator
  • The Scottish Mesothelioma Network: Impact of a national multidisciplinary team on Overall Survival in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Dr Matthew Tate, Macmillan Mesothelioma Clinical Research Fellow (NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde)
  • Serial serum mesothelin (SM) as a biomarker for disease progression and mortality in pleural mesothelioma (PM). Dr Geraldine A Lynch (University of Bristol, UK)
  • Genetically Defined Mouse Models of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma recapitulate human MPM phenotypes and response to therapy. Pooyeh Farahmand (University of Glasgow)
  • Prediction of Resistance to Chemotherapy using Somatic Copy Number Variation in Mesothelioma: Results of a multi-centre retrospective cohort study. Prof Kevin Blyth (@kevingblyth), University of Glasgow & PREDICT-Meso Lead.