
The PREDICT-Meso Network is comprised of expert mesothelioma researchers from across the world.
Together the teams hope to better understand how Pleural Mesothelioma (PM) develops from its early stages and translate this into more effective diagnosis and treatment for patients.
PREDICT-Meso encourages new members to join the Network to collaborate and share knowledge and data – helping to maximise the impact of knowledge and data gathered from individual sites and studies.
Note: Membership is for research collaborations and associated. Any commerical interest should apply via the Research Tissue Bank
Membership Benefits
Access to a directory of mesothelioma knowledge (skills sets; techniques; tissues/data)
Introduction to Network members for collaboration, advice, help with study design
Potential to be part of exciting new studies in mesothelioma, building reputation - both academic and as a successful study site
Access to an inventory of mesothelioma data and tissue to aid studies and collaborations*
*Access to the data and tissue in these inventories is via a formal application process
Sharing of research data:
- Contributing to a central repository of research data, minimising repetition and creating a culture of institutional learning
- Adding value and meeting data sharing requirements of funders
Leverage PREDICT-Meso resources and partners in new funding applications (note prior approval and identification of necessary network resources is needed for this)
Access to events, including Schools and Investigator Meetings
Membership is a requirement for those wishing to access tissue and/or data via the PREDICT-Meso Research Tissue Bank (RTB)- please see the RTB page for more details
Membership Terms
To treat other Network members, their work, and Network data and samples with respect and appropriate confidentiality.
To use the PREDICT-Meso project name appropriately. Permission will be sought from Network Project Manager before the Network is named in any new applications, non-network presentations and any other ‘pre-work’ activities.
Network members are required to disclose the types of data they have for listing on the Network data inventory and update the PM when new data types are available. Overview is to be general and generic with no patient identifiable information. This information will be held locally by the PREDICT-Meso Project Manager and will NOT be published on the website or made available to other Network members without prior approval.
Network members will be open to application by other Network members to discuss and request access to this data. This will be coordinated via the PREDICT-Meso Project Manager. Information will not be passed on to other Network members without your approval.
Note: Data sharing is encouraged but is not compulsory unless data was obtained directly via PREDICT-Meso studies or tissue accessed via the PREDICT-Meso Research Tissue Bank (RTB).
Tissue and data access is via an application process and requires approval by the PREDICT-Meso Tissue and Data Board. Information on the application process can be requested from the PREDICT-Meso Project Manager.
Researchers who receive samples will be required to provide the PREDICT-Meso RTB with a fully documented electronic copy of the final dataset and analytical programs. This will be reflected in the individual Material and Data Transfer Agreement (MDTA) for each approved project. The results will be communicated to the Network, with data available to other Network members upon successful application.
Conditions of access to samples include acknowledgment of the PREDICT-Meso Network in publications to allow for tracking of the scientific accomplishments made possible by access to Network specimens.
Network Members agree to have their name, institute, interests, email address or link to contact page listed on the PREDICT-Meso website to facilitate effective collaboration requests (see privacy notice at the end of this document for more info). Network members may choose to have their contact information remain private, with collaboration requests made by introduction via the PREDICT-Meso Project Manager or PI.
Membership will be reviewed and re-confirmed at the start of every project year. You may actively withdraw at any time and have your information removed from the website by contacting us.
Predict-Meso Data and Sample Inventory
The aim of the Inventory is to have a list of all data/datasets and samples that Network members have:
- Maximising the potential impact of knowledge and data gathered from individual sites and studies
- Minimising unnecessary repetition of analyses or sample collection
- Adding value to the data and meeting the data sharing requirements of funders
As noted in the terms above:
Network members are required to disclose a general overview of the types of data they have for listing on the Network data inventory, and to update the Project Manager when new data types are available. The overview is to be general and generic with no patient identifiable information. This information will be held locally by the PREDICT-Meso PM and will NOT be published on the website or made available to other Network members without prior approval.
Network members will be open to application by other Network members to discuss and request access to this data. This will be coordinated via the PREDICT-Meso Project Manager. Information will not be passed on to other Network members without your approval.
Note: Data sharing is encouraged but is not compulsory unless data was obtained directly via PREDICT-Meso studies or tissue accessed via the PREDICT-Meso Research Tissue Bank (RTB).
Please contact the PREDICT-Meso Project Manager at if you would like to discuss the PREDICT-Meso Data and Sample Inventory further.