Available Tissue and Data Collections
DIAPHRAGM (Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers in the Rational Assessment of Mesothelioma) was the largest prospective, biomarker study conducted in Mesothelioma, and one of very few studies performed in an intention-to-diagnose population.
The study recruited 638 patients with suspected Mesothelioma and 110 asbestos exposed controls from 22 UK centres. Blood samples were drawn prior to any significant pleural intervention or treatment and processed to generate small aliquots of serum, plasma and buffy coats (plus pleural effusions in a minority). All samples were processed according to standardised methods and were stored at -80C within 2 hours.

The results of the per protocol diagnostic analyses can be found here.
An inventory of available banked samples and data (plus a data dictionary and the study sample handling manual) will be available upon request.
PRISM (Prediction of Resistance to chemotherapy using Somatic Copy Number Variation in Mesothelioma) was a retrospective multicentre cohort study, in which FFPE tumour blocks, clinical data and CT images were retrieved from 4 UK centres for 266 patients.
Tumour DNA was extracted from each block after central pathology review +/- microdissection, allowing an unbiased, genome-wide analysis of somatic copy number variations (CNVs) using the Illumina CytoSNP-850k (850,000 markers, 3262 genes). The primary analysis is currently ongoing and focused on discovery +/- validation of a SCNV signature predictive of resistance to platinum-pemetrexed chemotherapy, based on triplicate re-reporting of CT images.
An inventory of available banked samples and data (plus a data dictionary and the study sample handling manual) will be available upon request.