Meso-ORIGINS update November 2022

Meso-ORIGINS is now open to recruitment at 11 health boards and 16 hospitals across the UK: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC)- Queen Elizabeth University Hospital; Glasgow Royal Infirmary; Gartnavel General Hospital North Bristol NHS Trust- Southmead Hospital...

New PREDICT-Meso team member

We are delighted to welcome our latest team member, PhD student Josh Roche. Project Radiological measurement of treatment response in mesothelioma is extremely difficult. The complex shape of the primary tumour makes surrogates of true volume unreliable –...

Meso-ORIGINS in local news

The Mail in Barrow-in-Furness (@NWEMlive) have recently published a story discussing Meso-ORIGINS in Morecambe Bay NHS Trust (@UHMBT) sites and local impacts of mesothelioma Click the button below to read the article link to article

Meso-ORIGINS update July 2022

Meso-ORIGINS is now open to recruitment at 5 sites across the UK: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow- NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC)Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow- NHS GGCGartnavel General Hospital, Glasgow – NHS GGCSouthmead Hospital,...

Herald piece for #AMD2022

1st July was Action Mesothelioma Day #AMD2022 Check out this piece our PREDICT-Meso PI @kevingblyth wrote for the Herald- discussing #mesothelioma and how important awareness and research into this disease is for so many families...

Meso-ORIGINS is live!

We are happy to report our tissue collection study Meso-ORIGINS is open for recruitment at our first 2 sites: @NHSGGC with PI @kevingblyth @BristolARU with PI Anna Bibby Meso-ORIGINS (Mesothelioma Observational study of RIsk prediction and Generation of...